Metabolism and Brain

April 4, 2010

Depression, 5HTP and L-Tryptophan: Laboratory Markers Matter

Consider the typical progression of a patient with major depression: They usually go through periods of poor appetite and limited food intake, and they systematically show decreases in average stomach acid output. So, their protein intake and digestive capacity become deteriorated.
January 24, 2010

Holistic Reviews At CorePsych

Do consider attending the Holistic Health Virtual Conference, - I look forward to presenting there on Wednesday Jan 27, and am sending out this unique offer for folks who attend.
January 4, 2010

Holistic Psychiatry is CorePsych

Neuroscience evidence changes thinking: This January 26 & 27, just a few weeks away, you will have an opportunity to take a deeper step into that change process: The Holistic Health Virtual Conference: Empowering Whole People - I hope you can join me there.
October 3, 2009

Virtual ADHD Conf Starts Monday

Pay Attention to ADHD Meds, Go ahead and give yourself a present that you can use all year! Now you can get all the tools you need to succeed with ADHD