Video Diaries

April 19, 2015

Candida Testing Video Playlist

If you don't measure you simply won't know what is going on. Candida testing is remarkably available, quite predictable, and once identified can significantly improve treatment outcomes in psychiatric conditions.
December 29, 2014

Transitions: Thinking And Doing

Review these several brief remarks here from Brain Pickings [strongly recommended] on improved actions for your personal transition to the realities of 2015.
December 28, 2014

Transitions: Thinking And Doing

Your mission for this next year, if you decide to accept it... grow. Essential for all of us: fresh, more informed action.
November 30, 2014

Brain Measures – The New Psychiatric Standard

The current labeling system is logical, reasonable and often useful for short periods, however it, more frequently than not, disregards the peer-reviewed perceptions of modern brain science associated with informed self management over time.