Russell Barkley

October 18, 2012

ADHD Insights: Attention Talk Video With Jeff Copper

This short interview [14:39 min] with Jeff Copper from Dig Coaching and Attention Talk Radio, is his first, and our first shot together at taking our conversations to the video format.
March 25, 2012

ADHD Coaching: Thinking About Thinking

If you are an ADHD coach and haven't yet connected with the ACO, the ADHD Coaches Organization, now is the time to get on it and get cracking
November 28, 2009

Intuniv For ADHD: Dosing Details

Intuniv is not a stimulant - refills on prescriptions will not be so problematic. This ADHD medication is not a Ritalin or Amphetamine concern.
June 28, 2009

Is It You, Me, or Adult ADHD? Library Connections,

This Adult ADHD Book Can Help Overcome ADHD Denial - This recent post by my colleague, Gina Pera, deserves re-posting. Please take this one to your local librarian.