Adderall XR

September 23, 2012

ADHD Insights: Prozac, Paxil and Amphetamines

Prozac and Paxil significantly block the metabolism, the breakdown, the effective use of amphetamine products. The results: crazy but quite predictable drug interactions.
January 24, 2010

Holistic Reviews At CorePsych

Do consider attending the Holistic Health Virtual Conference, - I look forward to presenting there on Wednesday Jan 27, and am sending out this unique offer for folks who attend.
August 10, 2008

Vyvanse Dosage: News and Tips

ADD/ADHD Medications: Frequently Asked Questions on Vyvanse A recent ADD/ADHD treatment question came up on another post comment, and I thought to share it with all of you. So many are wondering how to get Vyvanse correctly titrated - and good news: Shire has the new doses out - just last week. Doses now available 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 mg - may have to wait at the pharmacist for a few days, but they can be ordered. No more messing around with all of the water titration strategies.
July 20, 2008

Understanding ADD/ADHD Medications: Pay Attention to the Details

ADD/ADHD medications at first seems simple - if you have ADD, "Here's the script." Yes, I am suggesting we modify our scripting process. The truth is that ADD/ADHD medications do require specific, precise thinking with clear guidelines - or the entire process of medication management can become dangerous, frustrating, or disappointingly ineffective - with disastrous long term consequences. Problems arise much too often. And they are correctable!