Holistic Reviews At CorePsych

Holistic Psychiatry is CorePsych
January 4, 2010
Intuniv for ADHD: Metabolic Challenges
February 1, 2010
Airport Long-Distance Rail Station

Consult Without Travel

Virtual Consult – Heads Up on Two Items
1. Conference Starts Tomorrow Jan 26!
Do consider attending the Holistic Health Virtual Conference, – I look forward to presenting there on Wednesday Jan 27.  I will be very active with feedback at the forum there, and have an excellent slide presentation for you to follow during the program.

We really must stop automatically treating superficial labels in psych, and need to get down to treating real people with evidenced based objectives. Hope you can make it, just hit the Holistic link on the side bar here, – and remember it's virtual and recorded, you don't have to be there real time!

2. We Can Talk Privately
You're here because you have listened to my podcasts, watched my YouTube videos, read my comprehensive perspective from hundreds of pages of posts and references – so do feel free to set up a time to review your personal matters by phone.

I have been answering a ton of questions on the comments of several posts here at CorePsych Blog [this one with >140 comments], and realize many of the readers here need more time, and more information regarding meds and the issues with meds – and just don't have someone local to help resolve those next steps. Psych complexity is workable – if it is addressed comprehensively.

If you're regularly unhappy with you or your child's progress, have been walking in the darkness for years, and are just plain old frustrated with current inadequate intervention strategies – such as:

ADHD meds just not working the way they should
Chronic psych problems that are not resolving
Refractory, ‘untreatable' depression
Unexplained moods and anxiety that won't quit with multiple complex issues
Addiction recovery with cravings that sit on your shoulder
Brain injury interventions – more than just anti-epileptics
Mixed Medical and Psych challenges, including more extensive testing
SPECT Brain Imaging Cookie Cutter Results my personal review [or second opinion] – including neurotransmitter specifics

I can then give you targeted feedback if we can connect with your more specific history, laboratory testing, & med trials – and my comprehensive questionnaires that will save us time on the consult.

Phone Consults Are Often Helpful
Helping you decide what-to-do-next, seeking further evidence, is completely reasonable with a phone consult. Millions get on the phone everyday for specific input with medical and psych challenges. I won't be writing for any medications unless you come to Va Beach, but I can discuss your next investigations. It's easy, and often just a few visits can add significant, even more useful information.

What I Do
I can order helpful testing, some of which you can do in your own home, often covered by insurance. I can follow your progress with facts. The benefits are simple: more complete questions, more answers, and a concerted effort to give you information you can use with your own trusted medical team there at home. Frequently recommendations include specific neurotransmitter precursors.  We have seen many reduce their medications with these precise interventions, and have treated many without psych meds at all. I do interpret SPECT imaging, reports are customized, comprehensive, about 15-20 pages, and never cookie cutter.

If You Wish To Chat: How
If you are interested in an initial meeting, please drop an email to Caitlin, the CorePsych Administrator.

Thanks, I look forward to our next conversations – and see you at Holistic!

PS: Take a look at this Neuroscience page if you want more information on what we can do together, and would like more references.


  1. Debra Conley says:

    Dear Dr. Parker,
    I am writing to ask if your send patients for spect scans locally. My husband age 62, has always been a bit easily distractible, however since 2003 he has been disconnected emotionally. After many years of counseling, evaluation by a local neuropsych, and numerous doctors nothing has seemed to make any difference. It wasn’t until recently that I remembered my husband had a fall in 2003 at the time when I was being treated for a meningoima, and also a spinal cord tumor, which was as if someone turned on a light bulb for me. You see when my husband fell he fell from about 25 ft. While trying to cut a tree limb down. He landed on his back, with an aluminum extension ladder behind him and an 18 ” tree limb right behind his cervical vertebrae and base of his skull. He lost consciousness for a few minutes, and then came around. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance where of course they did an MRI. No swelling on the brain, however he did have vertigo for two years. I asked him if he told any of the doctors and he replied he never thought of it!
    I have read Dr. Amens books years ago, and was hoping to find someone locally that did SPECT imaging. Is there any chance that there could be an appointment made?

    • Debra,
      Through Desiree at http://corepsych.com/services we can arrange priority early scheduling at the office I co-founded in DC/Reston assuming you’re “locally” in Tidewater. If not we can arrange early priority scans in any of the Amen Clinic offices following our work with Amen, just ask Desiree when you call. I will read the scans for you wherever you are.

  2. Maureen Bulwicz says:

    Dr. Parker,

    I forgot to also mention that my 11 yo son is also a significant bed wetter every night. He is a deep sleeper and must wear pull ups to bed. Several nights a week he will wet through the pull ups. Everyone says (doctors included) that he will out grow this. I know there is something else going on. There has been no signs of improvement in his bed wetting. Once in a blue moon he will wake up dry.

    Maureen Bulwicz

  3. Maureen Bulwicz says:

    Dr. Parker,
    I have two boys ages 11 and 15 with health problems that no can quite figure out. Both have food sensitivities. For the past 2 1/2 years the 15 yo has had problems with sever fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and an upset stomach (the feeling you get from eating a rich meal) and he has trouble digesting fats at times. His symptoms have caused him to be schooled at home a great deal. He has had NUMEROUS tests and procedures. His Gliadin AB IGG was high. He was tested (blood and endoscopy) for celiac which was negative. After removing gluten from his diet he improved enough to attend school most of the time this school year but he is still not well. He still has the same symptoms. At one point he was deficient in Vitamin D but through supplementation it is normal. Recently he had the IgG Food Antibody assessment done from Genova Diagnostics which showed he was reactive +3 to several foods including corn, chicken, and buckwheat. He also has a B6 deficiency and mild amino acid deficiency for which he is taking supplements for. He was also gene tested for celiac disease(Prometheus) and it stated that his relative risk is extremely low. He also had the IBD Serology 7 (Prometheus) and it was negative. Seems like going gluten free is the only thing that has helped. By the way I know I have problems with gluten too which is what prompted me to check for celiac etc.

    Now the 11 yo. For many years he has had anger issues and still does. What I learned is that he reacts (as in anger and rages)to foods that contain salicylates and things improved somewhat when he avoids them. If he is reacting to salicylate foods, I found that by giving him Tri-Salts he settles down within 10 minutes. Now I am at a loss because just recently it seems as though the Tri-Salts made his anger worse and I can’t figure out the cause of his anger. Luckily, he behaves well in school. He was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. Psychologist said he has problems with his working memory. Just recently he was diagnosed with an Auditory Processing Disorder and the audiologist was surprised at the ADHD diagnosis. I tried Vyvance 1 time with him and is was horrible. At the time I didn’t realize he was having the salicylate problem and when he took the Vyvance he basically flipped out and said it felt like his head was going crazy. I gave him Tri-Salts and he calmed down in 10 minutes. Add to this list a goiter and hyperthyroidism (now resolved) and gluten sensitivity (tested positive for the gliadin antibody).

    I have my hands full and would appreciate any comments / input you have as I don’t know what else to do.

    • Maureen,
      So much to review, and only time for a brief reply: Don’t be dissuaded by the report that the GI guys come up with negative findings – stay with the findings clinically, and continue to search for other allergies if the ones corrected don’t respond. Additionally they need nutritional, bowel building support and we have several products we use at our shop, most especially a new NeuroScience set of products for rebuilding the bowel over 60 days. If they don’t turn around with those measures I would do Metametrix testing specifically the Triad profile next as it is outlined here.

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Medical Needs and Dr Charles Parker, ADHD Topics. ADHD Topics said: ADHD #ADHD: Holistic Reviews At CorePsych… http://bit.ly/7SSDpc […]