SPECT & Brain Imaging

December 28, 2013

NPH Brain Evidence: ADHD At 76 Needs SPECT Review

Looked like ADHD, turned out to reveal NPH: Symptoms in a 76 yo male looked like an ADHD/Executive Function, focus and concentration problem - but with a gait disturbance, a urinary problem [incontinence], and dementia.
November 8, 2011

ADHD Mediation Rules On Radio

Attention Talk Radio - This [Nov 9, 2011] is the second of two radio programs at Attention Talk Radio Hosted by Jeff Copper - at 8 PM EST - and if you go over there to connect you can set up a reminder for your cell or email.
September 11, 2011

ADHD Medication Rules Winners

Each person listed above will receive those three great prizes including a landscape digital copy of ADHD Medication Rules, that rare Photo Multiplier Tube, and a Free Pass to Med Rules in Action - Success Strategies for ADHD Treatment
August 22, 2011

ADHD Medication Rules Launch At Amazon

Yes, I do want this fresh Rules launch to create a buzz, and hope to engage you in the process of moving forward beyond the categorical thinking, the static, one-dimensional counterproductive ADHD labels, and the absolute non-science so prevalent with ADHD diagnosis and treatment today.