
September 30, 2007

Gluten/Casein Sensitivity: Brain Function Deterioration

Brain Function problems show on SPECT imaging downstream from gluten/casein sensitivity. Some can appear psychotic, as we have witnessed in our CorePsych office - and as reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine in that previous post linked above.
August 24, 2007

Celiac Notes: Opiate Withdrawal from Gluten and Casein?

You might want to warn gluten sensitive, celiac and casein sensitive patients about this very odd and painful clinical phenomenon: Withdrawal after stopping can be painful, exhausting, and depressing, with weakness, anger, and brain fog.
August 13, 2007

Why We Overlook Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity

This is the first in a series of celiac and gluten sensitivity reports taken directly from an interesting series of posts by Dr Scot Lewey, a gastroenterologist who "gets it" with gluten sensitivity. and regularly reports on the downstream psych and neurological effects.
July 24, 2007

Gluten Sensitivity & Brain Problems: More References

ust had a very interesting missive from a reader following up on my SPECT reference in the last post on celiac, gluten sensitivity and schizophrenia. He suggested two helpful sites for further information and conversation on these matters.