brain imaging

January 29, 2008

SPECT Imaging Notes: More On “Celiac Brain” Hypofunction

Brain changes do appear on SPECT imaging with immune dysfunction: think gluten sensitivity and celiac. Seeing real pathological evidence, bottom to top, does help with believing.
January 19, 2008

Every Brain in Any Recovery: Another Reportable Oversight

Everyone here at CorePsych knows that brain function is often overlooked - and nowhere is it more frequently overlooked than in the recovery process - not just recovery from drugs and alcohol, but from any addictive, compulsive, repetitive process, from food to sex.
July 29, 2007

Conversations with the Masters: Dr Joe Dispenza

Met a delightful new colleague out there, Dr Joe Dispenza whom you all should know, and can know, through his film work and his books. Joe was one of the most often quoted clinicians in "What the Bleep Do We Know?"
July 23, 2007

Schizophrenia and Celiac? SPECT Brain Evidence

Brain evidence though SPECT imaging confirms out clinical observations about celiac, gluten sensitivity and severe psychiatric symptoms. And it was written in 1997!