November 5, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medication: Find The Sides of the Therapeutic Window.

7 Essential Tips to Find Those Effective Sides of the Therapeutic Window When Treating ADD/ADHD: The 'Sides of the Window' are Puzzling and Require a Few More Office Questions. The reason to ask the questions is simple: we want to know exactly how the medication is working in the context of time of day, duration of effectiveness,
October 31, 2008

AD/HD Pediatricians & the Therapeutic Window: They Love It

Pediatricians in Richmond, as everywhere else I have presented, sign off quickly on the value of titration of stimulant meds, of Vyvanse in particular, because they love the science, they love 'metabolic individuality' issues, and they love the medical implications of asking the Number Two, the PoopMeister yes the bowel frequency question.
October 28, 2008

ADD/ADHD – Medication Management Series: Measuring the Top of the Window

Adjustment of meds is all about the Top and Bottom of the Therapeutic Window
October 27, 2008

ADD/ADHD: Medication – Start Meds At Bottom of the Therapeutic Window

Underdose the Start: I always recommend carefully, slowly starting the ADD/ADHD medication at the outset - lower than the expected endpoint. Most of the new drugs have different rates of metabolism, and it is quite easy to overdose the patient.