November 10, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medications: Time is of the Essence

If we don't dose medications correctly based upon there expected pharmacology, we simply are not paying attention to the details. Time is of the essence, and must be measure, just as would measure a fix if sailing off the New England Coast.
November 8, 2008

Gluten/Celiac, Migraine, & ADD/ADHD Connections 1

Blood Vessels Diminished in Function Contribute to Migraines and to ADD - One cause for all these problems, often over-looked, is gluten sensitivity.
November 7, 2008

Brain, ADD, Gluten Are Connected: Dr Tom O’Bryan’s Fall Lectures

Dr Tom O'Bryan Discusses Immune Dysfunction and Brain Consequences - From Tom "I'm in the midst of my Fall seminar series on the Neurological and Musculoskeletal Complications of Gluten Sensitivity. As you know, and like you, I have a passion to get the word out about the impact of our food selections on the function of our bodies."
November 6, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medication: Overview Summary – Therpeutic Window

The Entire Problem with Stimulant Meds for ADD/ADHD can be summarized in two ways- Too Much, or Not Enough. Inside the Therapeutic Window - is the Correct Dosage, not too much, not too little, lasting exactly the right duration through the day.