SPECT Training

November 8, 2008

Gluten/Celiac, Migraine, & ADD/ADHD Connections 1

Blood Vessels Diminished in Function Contribute to Migraines and to ADD - One cause for all these problems, often over-looked, is gluten sensitivity.
November 15, 2007

Check out CorePsych Books

I put some notes on most of the books at CorePsych Books, and invite you to make suggestions regarding books you have found helpful
October 28, 2007

Blood Supply and Brain Function: Insights from Cardiology

Brain science and brain function cannot be considered without thinking of vascularity, blood flow, and the nutrients and oxygen carried by that good blood flow. Impaired blood flow often results in a broad array of psych symptoms that can effect affect [feelings] and cognition [thinking].
October 13, 2007

SPECT Imaging Notes: Just looking is the first step

Brain imaging in clinical practice is a next major advance in psychiatry - neuroscience matters.