Nutrition in Evidence

May 16, 2007

Iodine Deficiency 3: Why Test for Iodine?

It is well known that maternal hypothyroidism during pregnancy can result in severe neuropsychomotor defects in the child, including a 150-fold increase in cerebral palsy expectancy
May 14, 2007

Iodine Deficiency 1: Overlooked Psych Problems

Iodine Deficiency Disorder: IDD, One of the most frequently overlooked Psych issues on the planet. With all the talk of the FDA, the black box warnings […]
March 3, 2007

Hormones: SSRIs and Suicide

Connections Between Hormone Dysregulation, Suicide and “Incurable Depression:” Yesterday spent nine hours with Eldred Taylor, MD [Brd Cert OB-GYN] as he connected and reconnected depression, the […]
February 27, 2007

Protein Breakfast Recipe 2: How on Protein

Protein breakfasts work, - if you work it. Yes, I know what many of you are going to say after that last breakfast post- "Good thinking, been there, just can't do that." The simple solution to breakfast: think "protein," not "breakfast."