Deep Recovery

June 29, 2009

Brain, Impulsivity and Evidence: What To Do Next

Been There With Impulsivity? Do you think you’ve seen enough impulsivity for a lifetime? Are there times when you are held hostage with subtle, uncompromising, relentless impulsivity, - read on...
June 22, 2009

Neurofeedback with Kurt Othmer on CorePsych Radio

Neurofeedback: from What, to Why, to How - Kurt Othmer from EEG Info on CorePsych Radio. This video of Kurt will give you just a few moments to see how NFB works
December 23, 2008

Holidays, Sprituality, and Effective Boundary Negotiation in the Real World

This will be a short note, just a quick missive for all you loyal CorePsychBlog readers out there, a little useful Holiday present to brighten your family of origin interactions.
December 22, 2008

The River, the RAPIDS, and Your Recovery Process: Life and Reality

If you are interested in the recovery process [drugs, alcohol, relationships, 'workaholism'] or if you simply are interested in adult development on any level, you may be interested to better understand your own life's river running, and your own reaction to ever changing reality.