
October 31, 2008

AD/HD Pediatricians & the Therapeutic Window: They Love It

Pediatricians in Richmond, as everywhere else I have presented, sign off quickly on the value of titration of stimulant meds, of Vyvanse in particular, because they love the science, they love 'metabolic individuality' issues, and they love the medical implications of asking the Number Two, the PoopMeister yes the bowel frequency question.
October 27, 2008

ADD/ADHD: Medication – Start Meds At Bottom of the Therapeutic Window

Underdose the Start: I always recommend carefully, slowly starting the ADD/ADHD medication at the outset - lower than the expected endpoint. Most of the new drugs have different rates of metabolism, and it is quite easy to overdose the patient.
October 26, 2008

ADD/ADHD: Medication – 1 of 7 Tips on Bottom of the Therapeutic Window

Start Every ADD/ADHD Medical Intervention with The Therapeutic Window Objectives The First Problem: Is the stimulant medication working? The *Therapeutic Window is simply what it says; the window, is the space, the place in time and symptom correction that the stimulant medication clinically works best, - the dosage, the effectiveness of that specific product with that specific person.
August 10, 2008

Vyvanse Dosage: News and Tips

ADD/ADHD Medications: Frequently Asked Questions on Vyvanse A recent ADD/ADHD treatment question came up on another post comment, and I thought to share it with all of you. So many are wondering how to get Vyvanse correctly titrated - and good news: Shire has the new doses out - just last week. Doses now available 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 mg - may have to wait at the pharmacist for a few days, but they can be ordered. No more messing around with all of the water titration strategies.