Stimulant medications

September 21, 2008

AD/HD Office Updates: Home and Away

The AD/HD Philosophic Reception: The medical discussion about aspects of my new book has been, quite interestingly, uniformly positive. The theme in my medical presentations is simple, and often addressed here at CorePsychBlog - we often do not use precise parameters with our AD/HD treatment targets, - current diagnostic criteria are imprecise, superficial, amorphous and "move about" too much- does that cover it? If we don't see it how can we hit it? - we don't appreciate the specific trajectories of the drugs we use, and thereby often miss the mark just because we don't adjust our sights correctly, but, rather, too often blast away. Are we shooting howitzers at wrens?
July 20, 2008

Understanding ADD/ADHD Medications: Pay Attention to the Details

ADD/ADHD medications at first seems simple - if you have ADD, "Here's the script." Yes, I am suggesting we modify our scripting process. The truth is that ADD/ADHD medications do require specific, precise thinking with clear guidelines - or the entire process of medication management can become dangerous, frustrating, or disappointingly ineffective - with disastrous long term consequences. Problems arise much too often. And they are correctable!
June 17, 2008

ADD/ADHD Medications: Problems Remain with School Breakfasts

ADD/ADHD Medications Work - School Breakfast Timing Requires Careful Attention I was up in New Haven recently and had several conversations with pediatricians and child psychiatrists about school breakfasts, - provided at school for many of the metro children as a service to ensure they had proper AM nutrition. It's sponsored by state and federal and state governments, and is helpful for many.
January 28, 2008

Tips on Medication Management: Finding The Top and Bottom of The Therapeutic Window

Why are having so many Black Box Warnings for the use of psychiatric medications? Simple answer: Many do not aim for, do not measure, and indeed don't seek that mercurial Therapeutic Window.