neurotransmitter precursors

April 21, 2010

Recovery Becomes Deeper: Addiction Biology Evolves

“Repeating the same thing, expecting different results” now brings new meaning - as rusty, ineffective activities, no matter what their origin, can begin to feel like repetitive insanity.
April 4, 2010

Depression, 5HTP and L-Tryptophan: Laboratory Markers Matter

Consider the typical progression of a patient with major depression: They usually go through periods of poor appetite and limited food intake, and they systematically show decreases in average stomach acid output. So, their protein intake and digestive capacity become deteriorated.
February 1, 2010

Intuniv for ADHD: Metabolic Challenges

This post is the fifth, with four others, documenting Intuniv Overview, Dosing Details, Drug Interactions and Addiction Indications. Please review all of these posts for more informed use of Intuniv
November 14, 2009

Vyvanse diminishes Memory? Watch The Top of The Therapeutic Window

Vyvanse can create memory problems and there are several likely explanations, so let's review. Most importantly, remember these small Vyvanse challenges do teach us - they point the way to the next logical intervention for the most effective medication dosage strategies.