
April 27, 2008

More than just Vitamin D: New Specifics On Vit D3

Vitamin D3 is more than just Vitamin D and sunshine: Many are recognizing the relevance of Vitamin D3 testing for multiple brain and body applications, but there are some brief caveats found in this recent paper
April 9, 2008

Watching Your Brain Leave: A Neuroscientist Reports on Her Stroke

Taylor "had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke.
December 21, 2007

Immunity and Chronic Fatigue: Immunosciences on the Radar for ’08

Chronic fatigue: is it a real medical process, or just malingering? Further, does CF encourage a dementia process with brain fog and slowed processing speeds. New answers bring new hope.
December 9, 2007

Psychotherapy Networker: Notes on the March ’08 Meeting

f you are a psychotherapist - the Psychotherapy Networker meeting sets the tone for all the rest.