Gluten sensitivity

October 11, 2011

ADHD Medications Not Working – Immunity Matters

Just as when traveling in any new territory we need useful new maps to find the towns we will be visiting. Many of these towns show up on the map with names we haven't heard before - and those names can be down right intimidating - even to a psychiatrist:
July 16, 2011

Antidepressants Do Work – Gossip Doesn’t

Dr Peter Kramer at Brown University wrote an article in the Sunday NY Times Opinion Review: In Defense of Antidepressants - It's a worthy read on several levels, - but even Kramer missed some fine points. Stats without substance result in gossip.
May 1, 2011

Brain, Immunity and Treatment Failure – Neuroscience Evidence

The challenging problems that occur with successful treatment for ADHD encourage an improved review of underlying biomedical issues. With that additional laboratory understanding more precise treatment strategies often provide improved outcomes.
April 25, 2011

Psychiatric Drugs: New Science, Better Outcomes

We used to think the only way to address complicated mental health conditions was to just keep trying different medication based on superficial diagnostic speculations. The world, my friends, is changing dramatically - just a bit to fast for some.