duration of effectiveness

February 27, 2012

Psych Meds or No Psych Meds

Mind science is full of polemic possibilities, and it's our collective team mission, if you read CorePsych News, or Core Psych Blog, or work with us at CoreBrain Training, to spread the word on the confusions present in some of the current mind-care delivery debate.
June 27, 2011

Psych Meds: Time, Titration and Tachyphylaxis

So many psych drugs appear to manifest a roving Therapeutic Window, an unpredictable metabolic pattern that appears to move around and require changing over time - thus resulting in tachyphylaxis.
September 12, 2010

ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention To Details

We simply aren't paying attention to the details, so let's start looking with this video
February 1, 2010

Intuniv for ADHD: Metabolic Challenges

This post is the fifth, with four others, documenting Intuniv Overview, Dosing Details, Drug Interactions and Addiction Indications. Please review all of these posts for more informed use of Intuniv