Conditions and Diseases

September 7, 2010

Gluten: Immunity On The Rise: New Wheat Notes

The Gluten/Celiac Increase, Researchers Say, Is In The Wheat Newbies. - If you have any interest in why so much news about gluten sensitivity and immune dysregulation you will love this news.
August 15, 2010

ADHD, Immunity and Gut: Picky Eaters Revisited

If you think you have it bad with ADHD, just throw picky eating into the problem. Then ADHD can become almost untreatable. Those with picky eating problems often [not always!] have significant problems with the North of the GI tract and immunity which gums up the works.
July 28, 2009

Why SPECT Brain Imaging: Details Live on CorePsych Radio

SPECT Brain Imaging Is An Indispensable Brain Diagnostic Tool - On Thursday [7-30-09] at CorePsych Radio I'll give you as many basic details about 'how and why' as I can cover in a well-organized hour - see the handout here
June 8, 2009

Stress and Sleep: Neurotransmitter Secrets on CorePsych Radio

An informed view emerges: Brain, Neurotransmitters, Stress and Sleep -No, we aren't paying enough attention the specific neurotransmitter imbalances discoverable with stress and sleep - and the good news is: it's all measurable and fixable.