ADHD treatment

March 14, 2011

ADHD Brain Science Beyond Appearances

Undiagnosed, under-diagnosed, and misdiagnosed ADHD costs the country millions of dollars annually: $13.7 million annually in 2000 for work related medical costs, and an estimated $16 trillion for inmates incarcerated with ADHD.
January 31, 2011

ADHD Diagnosis: Beyond Brain Diagnosis

From "bad mothers," to "insufficient corporal punishment" the limited psychological implications of both ADHD diagnosis and treatment often prove woefully insufficient to provide consistent treatment results.
January 23, 2011

ADHD Testing – Now Comprehensive and Biomedical

ADHD testing improves outcomes. For those of you who closely follow CorePsych and the many frustrated/dismayed ADHD treatment/medication will appreciate the abyss of misunderstanding about ADHD that exists in both public and academic perceptions. New testing options turn the tide.
January 16, 2011

ADHD and PEA – The Stealth Neurotransmitter

Treating ADHD is more about neurotransmitter balance than simply giving a trial of meds. These 4 neurotransmitters all contribute to ADHD improvement - PEA is the least understood.