ADD/ADHD medications

February 1, 2010

Intuniv for ADHD: Metabolic Challenges

This post is the fifth, with four others, documenting Intuniv Overview, Dosing Details, Drug Interactions and Addiction Indications. Please review all of these posts for more informed use of Intuniv
July 20, 2009

Intuniv for ADHD: Understanding Tenex, Guanfacine and Alpha 2

Short note, new vocabulary, take a moment sometime this week to chase down these links - they will likely soon become part of your everyday thinking in ADHD treatment.
May 4, 2009

ADHD Medications: Protein for Breakfast on CorePsych Radio

ADHD Medications Simply Will Not Work as Well Without Breakfast in the Morning- Protein for breakfast as a treatment consideration for ADHD may sound completely boring, a waste of time and energy, - but I am here to tell you, in detail, protein is a profound secret of medication success. And with ADHD, protein breakfast is even more completely essential if you won't be using meds.
February 24, 2009

CorePsych Radio #2: Functional ADHD Diagnosis

In word we are pervasively missing 'Functional ADHD' - we are missing time, context and process... so how can we expect meds to be correctly adjusted?