ADD/ADHD diagnosis and treatment

September 14, 2012

ADHD Insights: Adrenal, Sodium, Trace Elements

Trace element measurements provide useful biomedical information for those who simply don't respond well to stimulant meds.
September 11, 2012

ADHD Insights: Prevalence Errors

Prevalence missing: Using the same, outdated DSM-4 [Diagnostic Statistical Manual] criteria, with even more disturbing diagnostic limitations for ADHD recognition encouraged by DSM-5, the problem is global.
September 9, 2012

ADHD Insights: Hormones Matter

Immune system challenges and trace element imbalances both significantly effect various hormone levels, which in turn appear symptomatically as ADHD.
September 4, 2012

ADHD Insights – Diagnosis By Appearances

No wonder other countries of the world aren't sure what to do about ADHD treatment: They can easily assess our ADHD treatment patterns, and they don't look accurate, even from casual observation