ADD Medications

July 20, 2007

Brain and Bowel: The Gluten Mystery

The Bowel and the Brain are connected: Gluten Sensitivity is one of the main culprits.Bowel And gluten sensitivity is often the underlying cause of silent celiac an important GI problem receiving more attention in the literature.
March 26, 2007

ADD/ADHD Non-Med Treatment: Neurofeedback

ADD/ADHD: So what do you do if you don't want to use meds? Yes, the meds work fast, and often well, if you work them correctly. […]
March 17, 2007

ADD/ADHD Innovations in Treatment

News from the Front: ADD/ADHD Treatment Options Grow As you know, I do my best to remain informed with both sides of the provider fence: Traditional […]
December 4, 2006

Stimulants and Antidepressants: Why they don’t mix.

This ADHD, stimulant and depression problem is by far the most commonly missed comorbid presentation, and . Let's work together to address this challenging and easily fixable combination.