
November 30, 2006

Ultrametabolism: New Directions: Food As Medicine

With all of the new basic information available for our use in psychiatric services, diet and nutrition lead the pack. This post is to tell you […]
November 27, 2006

Science, Labels, Stuckness, Brain Diagnosis 2007

Beyond the Illusion of Precision Through Labels As a group, we health care providers often find ourselves profoundly, categorically stuck in black and white medical arguments.  […]
November 25, 2006

ADHD Medications: SSRI + Amphetamine Interactions Cause Serious Problems

Consider these profound negative consequences for those who either need treatment or are currently taking stimulant meds with antidepressants.
November 24, 2006

Adderall, Prozac and Paxil: Problem not solution

This post, if considered carefully, can save you much money, significant heartache, and that hopeless feeling when nothing you are taking to fix these problems works.