ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds

ADHD Insights: Cognitive Anxiety Markers
March 6, 2013
Spring Presentations
April 7, 2013

Why ADHD Meds Don't Work Predictably: Immunity Matters

ADHD meds require effective naviagtion throught immunity challenges

With improved tools navigation works.

Two important characteristics of maps should be noticed. A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct it has similar structure to the territory, which accounts for it's usefulness.    Alfred Korzybski

Do you sometimes feel untreatable? Do you know someone who clearly suffers with ADHD, but due to numerous unanticipated medication reactions simply refuses to move forward with more informed medical care? This set of videos are for you. Improved navigation is available, and will provide more predictable outcomes.

Immunity Matters Too Often With ADHD Treatment

Without knowing where the rocks are, coastal sailing will inevitably result in frustrating, costly outcomes. Immunity issues, directly related to the three important barriers between the Self and the Non-Self [outside world] often confound excellent medical treatment. Those three barriers: The Gut, The Respiratory Tract and the Skin. Immunity issues, measurable through IgE and IgG testing often directly interfere with neurotransmitter effectiveness.

This series of 8 short, pithy videos on ADHD: Gut Immunity and the Brain are required watching for any of you out there with a poor, ineffective, frustrating response to ADHD stimulant medications.

A Little Help From My Friends

I'm also asking a favor: I put the time into making these videos for your learning and personal evolution. Please do me this favor: “Like” them and share with colleagues and friends. Become part of our training team to get the word out on what-works-best, and pass these along.  Immunity measures are changing lives, saving considerable money, and brightening treatment outcomes with improved predictability.



Thanks! 😉

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  1. […] ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds […]

  2. […] ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds […]

  3. Mike Brack says:

    Do you think that as some kids have done the “choking game” which either prevents blood flow to the brain or pinches the nerve or both that that could have an effect on brain activity, blood flow or oxygen in the longer term?

  4. Rick says:

    Wow, a Korzybski quote!

    I’ll have to watch these videos and see if there’s any information at all that’s relevant for my ADHD contained in the fact that I have sarcoid

    • Rick,
      If you have any metabolic issues the videos, especially the playlist of ADHD Mind and Gut will prove instructive as an overview.

      Love Korzybski – he changed my life.

  5. David Bowyer says:

    Hi! I’m new here. My friend introduced me to your blog and I find it really helpful. I think I really need more understanding about ADHD, how to deal with it and control it. It is hard at times and your blog really helped me understand a lot of things. Learning more about the condition really helps me with acceptance.

  6. Leah says:

    Hi Dr. Parker
    I am so grateful for your website and such revolutionary information about these mental health issues. I have a question I have been searching for the answers on if you can point me in the right direction. I have been treating my health naturally addressing the gut and things mentioned in this video. This question is a little unrelated, but wondering if it is better for the brain to take meds like Vyvanse every day or take days off regularly. I tend to take a day or two off a week but don’t know if this tends to be more or less damaging.

    Thanks again for your amazing ability to educate. This will be my new goto reference to share with my mental health circles. Gratitude.


    • Thanks Leah,
      It’s folks like you who make the process of sending out articles and vids rewarding, and hope you stay with me on this important path sharing fresh science with others.

      To answer your question: I have heard that some say stimulants damage receptors over time… I simply haven’t seen clinical evidence for it in the office, but am always looking to consider evidence if you have any links for more concern. My most frequent challenge that I do see with stim meds is the too frequent challenge associated with diminished protein, nutritional challenges with no breakfast and/or irresponsibility with diet/nutrition. Neurotransmitters depend on amino acids and protein often gets left in the dust, as does overall metabolic awareness, while folks use stimulants to push their performance envelope. If receptors are indeed damaged, I’ll first play the percentages I see in my office everyday: even more diminished awareness of nutrition than previously existed with our fast food nation. Stimulants can add to that problem – that’s why I’ve been preaching protein and breakfast at every turn, and why we’ve taken to measuring neurotransmitters and trace elements to confirm downstream changes.

      Our greatest success with treatment failures – 95% of the time – can be traced to these issues through: IgG, Tissue Mineral Analysis, Neurotransmitter measures and other sources of biomedical measurement. Once corrected the entire treatment picture becomes much more predictable and responsive.

  7. […] ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds […]

  8. […] ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds […]

  9. […] ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds […]

  10. Pam Findlay says:

    Dear Dr. parker;
    I’ve been doing some reading and I have a couple more questions, and a couple of insights to run by you…… My first thought was to replace the Prozac and up the Vyvanse. However, Prozac has served me well for almost thirty years at various doses and I remember the hassle I went through trying to find something to deal with the depression. Also, doesn’t Predictable Solutions say to treat depression first? I have too significant a hearing loss to test for it; but if I were looking for a stimulant that was compatible with Prozac and most likely to help with APD what would you suggest?There are other factors I have to deal with since getting hurt at work and being retired on disability with a ‘boatload’ of other medications, but these were my two most important issues. Any input you can give me would be most appreciated.

    • Pam,
      There are so many excellent antidepressants that in my office I very rarely, less than 1% of the time, have to stick with it. If you decide to stick with it you will likely be better served by a MPH product. But remember there are significant drug interactions over w MPH and Prozac as well. That’s why I’m down on it – I’ve tried every combination multiple times over the years and over time the interactions just create problems.

      • Pam Findlay says:

        Dear Dr. parker;
        Gratefully, depression has not been a major problem with all the recent life changes and adjustments. If I do need to. add an. antidepressant, would Zoloft be a good choice? What would be an adequate ‘dry out period’? Eventually, I would like to make an appiointment for a consult. However, I want to make sure my Gp will be “onboard” with the idea. The more I read your blog. the. more I wonder…… I thought I was the original recluse! I live alone with two dogs, and have little desire to be ‘social.’ I just retired from an occupation they tell me has an average five year survival rate after retirement. I’d like to think I can do better than that. My hearing continues to decline, which is why I asked if Vyvanse might improve APD? All in all I do appreciate your information and trust continued reading will help to improve what should be “those twilight years!”

        • Pam,
          Do stay tuned as soon I will be doing a 1 hr program soon on the various kinds of depression that don’t look like depression. Apathy and indifference are almost always related to serotonin problems and can be directly intertwined with ADHD issues. Depression types we see regularly: Sad, Mad, Unmotivated, Political, more later.

          Re your question: Zoloft is a good starter, and can significantly help, is clean on drug interactions, and comfortable for most docs to write quite easily. Suggest you start low at 1/2 of 50 mg for 4 days, as a routine very low dose start is that ounce of prevention so often needed for treatment success.

          PS: please don’t think of yourself as APD, Avoidant Personality Disorder – personality disorders can’t be fixed without deep psychoanalysis for years – avoidant ADHD is fixable in often less that a week if the diagnosis and history all match up.

          • Pam Findlay says:

            Ok……, I guess it’s time to make another appointment with the Gp! When I asked about APD I meant Auditory Processing Disorder, not Avoidance. Personality Disorder. As I said, my audiologist cannot measure this problem because my hearing has become so bad. I only know that turning up the volume does not solve the problem. I have sound bars on all my hearing devices, and my next effort will be to try an equalizer.

            I do identify with”The Stranger.” It’s almost amusing……., I live in a house surrounded by a cyclone fence. In the 25 years I have lived here I have never socially invited anyone in. Perhaps 2 people have ever been in my house; (for reasons I’m not comfortable outlining in an open blog). The “I don’t care”attitude served me perfectly in my last job.

            Like many, because of the health care system, my treatment team is often “me,”. “myself,”. and “I.” I try to run all my meds through one doc to avoid possible toxicity or negative interaction. I take probiotics for regularity, (there is a gastric condition). I’m trying to increase my fluid intake because the lack thereof is evident. (Doesn’t help that they just discovered arsnic in the community ground water.)

            Thank you again for your informative responses.

          • Thanks Pam – made the point well that the stranger isn’t gender specific! Have a super weekend!