
February 10, 2007

Adrenal Fatigue: Depression and Suicide

Adrenal Fatigue: Untreatable Depression and Suicide We have been talking for multiple posts about depressive conditions that linger beyond the range of current meds – conditions […]
January 16, 2007

Bullet Proof Liver: SSRIs and Suicide

With a bulletproof liver, the patient will feel that nothing works. They can feel very toxic with a small dose. But the bullet proof liver causes the problem, not the specific SSRI. Suicide can become an option.
December 31, 2006

Temporal Lobe Injury, Depression and SSRI

Number 3 SSRIs and Suicide: Traumatic Brain Injury [TBI} and Depression: More Dangerous Comorbid Conditions- Brain injury is often missed in diagnostic workup. Neuroscience, even more […]
December 28, 2006

ADD and Depression: A dangerous mix

Number 2 FDA, SSRI and Suicide Series: ADD/ADHD present very frequently with all the variety of depressions. Sometime ADD is comorbid, exists together as a second […]