Conditions and Diseases

August 30, 2013

Stomach Pains And Depression – Missing The IgG

Peer-reviewed evidence now weighs in on what many have reported for years: gut problems can produce mind problems
July 8, 2013

ADHD Depression – The Kelsey Score

Yes, of the many comorbid conditions most often seen with ADHD, the two most prevalent are Anxiety, and Depression.
November 5, 2012

ADHD Insights: Adrenal Compromise And Copper

Many are treated with stimulants for ADHD because they're so tired, dull, listless and simply can't think. They can't get out of bed, they are exhausted through the day, and, of course, they have a significantly compromised executive dysfunction.
October 31, 2012

ADHD Insights: IgG Denial Video

This 3:23 min video breaks down the challenges for those who just don't get well easily and quickly with standard ADHD medical care. Food sensitivities matter.