ADHD Coaches Corner

January 28, 2013
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March 4, 2013
ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment Needs a Better Grip

Dig In For Improved Driving On Slippery Roads

Heads Up For ADHD Coaches – And Clients  

First of all, true confessions: I love my coaching colleagues – we're so much on the same path, with the same objectives, with the same clients. My mission, just like your own: Let's get improved traction on the ADHD management process. Slipping and sliding on the ADHD recovery path… it just doesn't work.

Parker Training Events – Just Show Up!

Several events coming up – yes, designed for coaches, but the improved traction found in these meetings will work for anyone stuck anywhere out on the global ADHD recovery road.  The theme of these presentations: We're significantly slipping in our contact with the road… in two key areas with ADHD recovery, and they aren't just small details: Consider this evolution of ADHD precision: Real Data Creates Improved ADHD Diagnosis and ADHD Treatment.

Title of this Shindig Presentation: Reality Changes The ADHD Rules.

Too often many aren't using the available science. Too often the realities of ADHD diagnosis and treatment, the available, workable, brain and body science is overlooked. The objective of these two presentations: improved office applications, anywhere. Consider these two events:

The Video Shindig Chat Event: At Your Computer, Anywhere

Sign up, RSVP, at this link, and do pass this note along to your coaching friends. March 14, coming soon, from 6-8 PM ET.

– No charge for these useful ADHD management essentials. We can't check your ID, so if you aren't a coach, not a problem, it's an open meeting, only limited to 1000 attendees!

Overview: In one hour and change I'll be covering many of the details in my book New ADHD Medication Rules – Brain Science & Common Sense. Quite simply: the science is changing the way we practice, and Precision is the new ADHD watchword.  Let's use old labels if they do work, but let's move on to the next level of Executive Function understanding if they don't.

Science only works if you work it. Science introduces much more Reality into confusing ADHD diagnostic and treatment protocols – and I'll break that new science down into useful, understandable packages.

Check out for the very cool chat room details – I'll do the video PowerPoint presentation, and you can simultaneously check out and chat with your coaching friends who also show up. It's a virtual big room for a presentation at your computer…. and plenty of time to ask questions, make your own observations and join the discussion. This should be fun –  it's my first shot at this way of connecting with our coaching colleagues.

ACO in Atlanta

I'm looking forward with much anticipation to presenting at the ADHD Coaches Organization meeting in Atlanta, April 11-14. If you're an ADHD Coach, and missed this venue, the meeting last year, you missed some real ADHD management substance and fun. Last year they liked my presentation on ADHD Med Rules so much they invited me to give the same presentation Sunday AM for those who missed the first one. – Better than a standing ovation! 😉

Take a look at the very cool schedule linked above to see the depth of the topics covered there by our terrific coaching colleagues – bringing their slippery road experience to Atlanta to keep everyone tight on coaching travels with improved traction!

Let's get together at both of these places! – Talk soon,



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  1. […] ADHD Coaches Corner […]

  2. deborah brandt says:

    I just found your website through the handle group’s site and since I missed your recent talk was wondering how to get a transcript? Also is your book available now?
    thank you

  3. Jenna says:

    I attend the shingding last night, and i couldnt get the website to get the presentation that you gave last night. could you email me that to me. thanks a bunch. jenna

  4. Ula says:

    For those of us in Canada, what is the best way to get a consultation with you – through my child’s psychiatrist or through a local ACO coadh? After my 11 year old child gets IgG testing, do we simply avoid the foods that she is found to be sensitive to, or do we do something else?

    • Ula,
      Not a need to go thru anyone. All the protocols for virtual consult or in person consult are here at Specifics for IgG testing: we send you the test, either blood draw or pinprick, and we read the answers to you. You can get the test from our office, you mail in the results and we consult for 1hr to help you understand what it all means.
      Thanks for showing up!