ADHD Insights: ADHD Medication Sensitivity

ADHD Insights: Breakfast Then ADHD Meds
October 12, 2012
ADHD Insights: Reward Deficiency Syndrome
October 15, 2012

ADHD Medication Sensitivity – Cause and Effect ADHD Maps Don't Include Medication Sensitivity answers

The rules of the ADHD medication game dramatically change with new science discoveries – and I carefully spell out those details in my fresh review: New ADHD Medication Rules.

Old maps simply don't include medication sensitivity instructions. You can travel your interesting new medication/recovery roads, and yet become completely, surprisingly, lost at these unmarked crossroads where unpredictable results meet medication failure.

IgGThe Ghost Immunoglobulin – Provides Direction

IgG [Immunoglobulin G] testing will provide interesting answers in an unusually high percentage of medication sensitivity reactions. Even if your Transit Time, described in this video, doesn't show specific problems, you can often find answers with food allergy inquiries – measuring IgG for to see which foods might be corrupting your highway travels.

Now don't get me wrong, we don't test IgG routinely, simply because we don't do anything routinely. Cookie cutter medicine is out, customization is in. On the other hand, if our friend, our in-the-woods-trail-marker ‘medication sensitivity' appears on our clinical doorstep, you can bet we will search for and chase down those essential IgG details.

Medication Sensitivity Details 3:51 min

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  1. Ben says:

    Hi Dr. Parker, I follow your work, and I think your approach to hitting the root causes of Med Dysfunction is a game changer.. I hope, bc now I’m so frustrated not knowing where to go, (I”m in Toronto Canada), for the kind of allergy/med sensitivity testing you talk about. I’ve been on ADHD meds for years, they work at first, then become unpredictable, I require many dosing times throughout the day, and often just can’t think. I’m almost convinced I have some kind of food allergies, and have reduced dairy in my diet, although, as you say, testing and complete elimination is the only way to figure it out and move to resolution. What testing would you recommend in my situation?

    • Ben,
      First, regarding Canada, we consult virtually up there all the time, from the Pacific to the East Coast – new technology makes that a breeze:

      Details that don’t cost a dime on the issues you raise are available at these two accessible video tutorial playlists:
      1. ADHD: Mind and Gut at, and
      2. ADHD: Milk and Wheat Immunity at – the last vid in this series by Sean Croxton breaks down the best testing with the Lab we prefer. Cost for the Array 3 that he discusses there is ~ 320$ US.

      While at that YouTube channel also take a look at Dosing for some additional info.
      Hope this helps!

  2. […] ADHD, but due to numerous unanticipated medication reactions simply refuses to move forward with more informed medical care? This set of videos are for you. Improved navigation is available, and will provide more […]

  3. John Carter says:

    Hi Charles,

    To get this testing what am I searching for online in terms of a someone who offers this service, I live in Australia? and more importantly what testing do I ask for? Do folks over here even know what IGG testing is?


  4. […] ADHD, but due to numerous unanticipated medication reactions simply refuses to move forward with more informed medical care? This set of videos are for you. Improved navigation is available, and will provide more […]

  5. Stacy Eisenberg says:

    My 8 year old has been struggling with ADHD and has some OCD tendencies. The doctor put him on Intuniv 2 mg which has helped his OCD quite a bit but hasn’t really made a large impact on his ADHD. The doctor then added 20 mg of Vyvanse. The first 2 hours after taking it, he became super sweet, was able to play by himself, follow instructions and it seemed like it was a miracle. After 2 hours he became so hyper and completely unable to stop talking I was really scared. I mean truly scared for him. His mind wouldn’t stop and he was not able to sleep for 48 hours or more. I never gave him another pill. It took almost 2 weeks before he leveled off to being his normal ADHD hyper self. He is very sensitive to medications and the doctor gave him what she thought was the smallest dose.

    The doctor has talked about trying another stimulant to help with his ADHD – the focus issues are becoming a huge challenge at school. Is it possible that Vyvanse or another stimulant might help him, but that the dose needs to be super low? I have fought for a year, refusing to try another stimulant because of that episode, but since he did really well in the first 2 hours and I have begun thinking that perhaps the drug may help if we gave a super low dose using your tritation method.

    I have had him tested IgG and IgE and for the most part have kept him off all the offending foods. That seemed to help with his immune system and he quit getting sick. He tested negative for the Celiac marker. His father, however, will not follow any food plan and keeps him every week for at least one day and night.

    I just found your blog and would welcome any comments you may have. Do you have any suggestions?

    • Stacy,
      Work with your guardian ad litem to cover that real, evidenced-based medical issue. The diet is absolutely important. I’ve personally witnessed clients who go psychotic on milk. Your son does have a very narrow Therapeutic Window, and we often do find they can take Vyvanse at the super low water titration method using only 1/4 of a capsule. Now he may also have a genetic polymorphism on AMP products so another thot would be MPH product at the lowest possible dose.

      Having said that, at this kind of crossroads I move as quickly as possible into “better measurement mode.” You got the IgG, great, but other tests like trace element testing would likely be helpful [I have several posts on the ADHD Insights – trace element testing topics for more links and details.. – but it sounds like your H is in serious denial, all involved with the gossip out there on ADHD in the first place. Actually, no disrespect, but your son’s reaction is part of the problem because that’s were even well trained docs go off their tracks.

      Bottom line: work on negotiation, consider more testing, and give us a call if we can pitch in for any additional testing process.

  6. […] ADHD Insights: ADHD Medication Sensitivity […]

  7. lucianne cronin says:

    I thought there was only about a 20=30% accuracy for sensitivity in this test. with that low result, what else do you suggest??

    • Lucianne,
      The naysayers, IMHO, don’t see the actual clinical results, because the outcome/effect is not so obvious clinically – and most often not a target. The IgG effect is obvious mentally, cognitively and affectively [feelings], but researchers on IgG simply aren’t looking at those parameters. In my office, the accuracy rides about 80%, and the other 20% is covered by other investigations that chase down biomedical imbalances – from trace elements and heavy metals to a variety of other parameters.

      No one test covers the complexity of immune dysregulations and the downstream effect on nutrition, hormones, and neurotransmitters.