ADD/ADHD: Real People Discuss Real Improvement

Amen, Carlat, SPECT and Psych Evidence for ADD/ADHD: Don’t look, don’t tell?
May 25, 2008
Gluten, Celiac, Candida, Anemia, Osteoporosis and Psychiatric Problems
June 1, 2008

ADD Videos in the New York Times:
Sometimes it takes video reporting with real people to make the points we see everyday in our office. Check out the ADD video links below – from a recent NYT piece.

This ADD shattered-brain visual may seem a bit over the top, but many feel that their mind simply is running out of control. While ADD is often associated with many conditions, oftentimes it does respond to basic intervention strategies.

-To these folks discuss the resolution of their ADD/ADHD problems over at the Well/Health section of the New York Times.

And going down further, reviewing the comments there you will see: I dropped an extensive comment at #106 and my ADD and Relationships colleague, Gina Pera, jumped into the jungle at #109


  1. Yeah some serious tensions going on over there, and, as you say, a great opportunity to shed some light on these controversial issues.

    Looking forward to seeing your new book!

  2. Gina Pera says:

    Ha! And I didn’t emerge from the jungle for several comments. 🙂

    What a great opportunity to reach a big audience with some facts on ADHD.
