ADHD Medication Love

IgG Labs Evolve
November 18, 2013
Sean Croxton Translates Gluten Testing
December 1, 2013

Spread Your Holiday Cheer

Amazon to Audible | Love Your Doc

ADHD, Audible, Amazon, New ADHD Medication Rules

Fresh Audible ADHD Details!

Do you have someone in your life whom you deeply appreciate, who needs a little help – like your favorite doctor/nurse practitioner/physician's assistant –  to move forward with new ADHD mind science?  The inexpensive and easy way to say thanks for all of their help and concern: From Amazon to Audible, from Paperback, to eBook, to audio at Audible downloaded to their iPhone while traveling to work New ADHD Medication Rules is now available in every format.

Don't Forget The Give-Away

After posting this in early November we received notice that Audible would help us with a Holiday Gift Opportunity: Do run over to this page and enter your name and email to make New ADHD Medication Rules an easy audio reality -> over at this CorePsych Audible PageFor Audio Samples from New Rules Audible book This Link.

Your Thanks Embraces Essential Change

Now's the time to both thank your doc for their concern and help, and at the same time help your medical person with all those hundreds of other folks who need to move forward with ADHD mind science. Love your neighbor too!

New Rules is inexpensive, practical, and will help resolve your doc's regular consternation about what-to-do-next with those essential ADHD meds. Just remember the last time your doc became puzzled [happens all the time!]. That moment [those moments] will make your helpful gift feel less intrusive, more constructive, more like a partnership than a patient.

ADHD meds do take teamwork, and a gift of New Rules punctuates the point that you are firmly on their team.

Audible New Rules

At CorePsych we're quite excited to complete the Audible edition with the help of two key production partners: Bob Anderson, my audio/video colleague in charge of training and video presentations for the Virginia Beach Fire Department [we recorded New Rules on weekends!], my colleague Tiffany Isaacson a Coach and partner as CoreBrain COO, who worked with Audible to pull the project together.

New Rules: From Me To You

Yes, I did not ask a professional narrator to read New Rules, I did it myself – with all the Reality of innocence and inexperience of reading aloud. I'm a speaker, and that clearly audible, built-in passion for the subject of ADHD med confusion often does intensify this 4+ hour program. Rest reassured, you won't hear me shout on a bull horn or jump up on the table, but you will hear me animated and sometimes in your face about New ADHD Med Rules.

Reminder: ADHD is the most misunderstood, misdiagnosed, mistreated mind condition on the planet. I'm just standing up to raise my voice against denial of multiple ADHD comorbidities [7 years of written commentary],  insufficient precision with ADHD medication dosage, and misunderstandings regarding elemental ADHD brain function.

My theme is simple: let's work together to resolve abundant ADHD med problems and then provide answers, constructive ADHD med solutions.

New Rules At Amazon, Paper or eBook: For Testimonials and Amazon Click Here

New Rules At Audible: For Car, Your Doc or Your Living Room Sample Audio Chapters.

Best Holiday Wishes For The Evolution of Your ADHD Med Team!

Your Medical Team can make an even bigger difference, think about it! 😉

Dr Charles Parker
Author: New ADHD Medication Rules – Brain Science & Common Sense



  1. Aditya says:

    If a diagnosis reveals the presence of hyperactivity and impulsivity, the patient is then said to be suffering from ADHD combined type. While this might not be as common as the various individual forms of the disorder, it is becoming increasingly prevalent.

    • Aditya,
      Thanks for weighing in… and remember: the diagnosis of ADHD, now actually functionally set as Executive Function Challenges, assembles far more diagnostic attributes than the appearances of Hyperactive and Inattentive, combined or not.

  2. Jason says:

    Hello Dr. Parker:

    This is my first time posting so I am not sure how specific I should be about my question or what type of questions you answer on this blog, however I have a quick question. I know every person with ADHD differs, however, I was wondering what is usually the best medication (or combination) for individuals with Predominately Inattentive type?? Like I said, I will go into more detail if you need me to, but for now a quick summary, I currently take Vyvanse 30mg after trying many different medications and doses and I am just wondering if there is a ideal medication for inattentive type that many with inattentive type tend to have the most success with.

    Thank you

  3. Catherine Macdonald says:

    Hello Dr Parker,

    I wanted to let you know how valuable I found the Core Psych Blog postings covering the Gluten summett. I have put myself on a Gluten Free diet and the last 3 days I have been suffering from opiate withdrawal..

    I wanted to ask in ADHD testing how often do you look for Vitamin B 12 deficiency – there seems such a wide spread of cognitive symptoms listed under deficiencies and so many doctors disagree. ADHD medication is unlikely to work if B12 levels are low. Are you able to offer any pointers?


    • Catherine,
      Excellent point, and yes we measure often… always throw in the D3 for good measure, another frequently overlooked challenge that can significantly effect leaky gut, immunity, thyroid function. Our cutoff for “normal” is different than LabCorp – a lab that remains remarkably asleep on new data and uniformly overcharges for testing. [They demand ~ 2000$ US for IgG testing provided by others for 219$ US – 10x markup – ridiculous and contributory to driving up care costs that prevent appropriate investigation.]

      1. Our B12 cut off need for supplementation: 500 pg/ml [theirs is 200] See med interactions here.
      2. Our D3 level 50-60 ng/ml [Perlmutter in Grain Brain says should be 80!] LabCorp says it’s ‘normal’ at about 30, leaving many treated inappropriately. The literature does not agree.

  4. Russ L says:

    I am so glad you came out with the audio version, We adhd’ers need an audio version. Thank You Dr Parker for all your Help.
    -Russ L

    • Russ,
      It was fun reading it! Yes, it was new, as I’m not a pro with reading aloud, but the purpose and the passion come thru quite clearly. Big thanks for your support out here!

  5. Keep up the wonderful work, Dr. Parker! Getting the word out about Adult ADHD awareness is so very important!

    – Jeff

    • Jeff,
      Thanks so much! I’m pleased this mission provided me with opportunities to connect with bright, impassioned folks like yourself. Together, with our colleagues who see the need for improved ADHD health care delivery systems, we will make a difference.

  6. Lulu says:

    YEAH! The new audio version is downloading to my phone right now, within a half hour of receiving an email notice of availability. I do already own the printed book, as it is my med appointment companion that assists me in communicating with my Doc. Truthfully though, I’ve only managed to read a very few books from cover to cover in the past twenty years, so now I know I’ll be getting 100% of the content via audio!

    I’ve been looking forward to this debut. I’m so pleased you personally did the narration Dr. Parker. It wouldn’t have been the same with another person trying to portray your straight up speech style that I(we)so appreciate in your podcasts and videos. A big thanks for catering to my (and many others) learning styles.

    –Laters CorePsych’ers, I’ve got some focused listening to enjoy!