Metabolism: Food for the New Year

Temporal Lobe Injury, Depression and SSRI
December 31, 2006
Metabolism Relevance: SSRIs and Depression
January 2, 2007

Notes on Metabolism: “National Eating Disorder”

Take a look at the great interview with Bill Maher and Michael Pollan, the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma at the Amazon website for the book.

His point: we are suffering from a “national eating disorder” downstream from corn, petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. Let me see…. could this be a problem? Actually might not have to worry about global warming if we don't pay attention to what we eat.

Do you think our terrible diet has anything to do with our pandemic malnutrition, bowel issues, and downstream depression, ADD and brain dysfunction?

Got Omnivore for Christmas, am well into it, highly recommend this as an essential read to start 07.
Cheers for the New Year.

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