Why SPECT Brain Imaging: Details Live on CorePsych Radio

Intuniv for ADHD: Understanding Tenex, Guanfacine and Alpha 2
July 20, 2009
Brain School 101: SPECT Brain Imaging Training
August 2, 2009
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SPECT Brain Imaging Is An Indispensable Brain Diagnostic Tool

On Thursday [7-30-09] at CorePsych Radio I'll give you as many basic details about ‘how and why' as I can cover in a well-organized hour [4PM EDT, 1PM PDT]. This will begin a program series on the many aspects of SPECT imaging – as the SPECT evaluation processes differ with different providers, and you will appreciate some of the important process details. Some nuclear med SPECT brain reports are less than one page, some psychiatric SPECT reports offer an array of multiple choice options.

Imagine a field filled with beautiful variables – many flowers, many details: This specific CorePsych Radio program is a landscape shot, an essential starting place for anyone considering the next steps in a more complete look at brain function and the SPECT evaluation process.

Program Notes and References: pdf on Why SPECT Brain Imaging here.

Important Program Note:

I'll be changing the time of the Live CorePsych Radio Program starting next week to Tuesday 5-6 PM EDT – to keep it live. Speaking out of town on Thursdays so often precludes the live show, and I have been recording – thus the confusion with the program time this week.

Hope to see you there Thurs.


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1 Comment

  1. Jessica,
    No, SPECT can’t actually treat psych conditions, but it does significantly help with diagnosis, especially for those with complex or non-responsive conditions. And, yes, it does make it much easier to analyze brain patterns – SPECT is one of the many evolving brain measurement tools available with the development of new technologies.