Copper Excess and Depression – Walsh Biotypes

Overmethylation and Depression – Walsh Biotypes
September 27, 2014
Pyrrole Disorder and Depression – Walsh Biotypes
October 12, 2014

Copper Excess & Depression Biotypes: 3rd of 5 Subsets

Copper-overloaded depressives usually report that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants provide improvement in moods, but they worsen anxiety. Benzodiazapines such as Klonipin and Xanax can be effective in reducing anxiety but are reported to have little effect on depression for this biotype. High-copper females are usually intolerant of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy since these treatments increase copper levels in the blood. [96% of this biotype are women.] 1
~ William Walsh

 Excess Copper, Depression & Treatment Failure

high copper, depression, biotypes, psychiatri diagnosis

Peering Into High Copper Darkness

WD3: Walsh Depression #3 – This is the third in a series [WD1: Undermethylation here, | WD2: Overmethylation here] of 5 posts on Dr Bill Walsh's 5 biotypes of depression as described in his book Nutrient Power and listed below. This particular biotype is most important to CorePsych readers because of the 5 subtypes this type of depression is far more common in women, and directly related to estrogen shifts such as puberty, childbirth 7 or menopause.

Incidence: 17% of clinical depression. 4

The hallmark of Copper Overload: Elevated Norepinephrine. This norepinephrine phenomenon appears almost routinely on challenging, refractory cases when we explore results from urinary neurotransmitters. See the other laboratory markers below. Elevated norepinephrine? Think anxiety and increased blood pressure.

Videos: These two brief videos on this third WD3 – Walsh depression biotype [3 of 5] – will remind you of the fact that depression is more than just the appearance of sadness. Excess Copper Depression will prove untreatable if not measured and corrected with some of the laboratory inquiries linked below. Too many fail SSRI treatments with trial after trial of otherwise appropriate medications for the symptoms, not the biologically-based disorder. Measurements for copper detailed after Dr Walsh explaining on the video below.

If you don't look carefully into each refractory depression darkness, a copper solution will never enter your mind.

Dr William Walsh: CorePsych Critical Thinker

Dr Walsh has presented his research at the American Psychiatric Association, the U.S. Senate, the National Institute of Mental Health, the Society for Neuroscience, and has been a speaker at more than 30 international conferences. He has authored more than 200 scientific articles and reports, and has five patents.

Dr Walsh has researched biomedical details for individuals previously considered as untreatable: from personality disorders to character/conduct disorders, to others insufficiently treatable with the limitations of modern psychopharmacology. He's published research and biomedical evaluations on lost souls from murderers to those more commonplace presentations of untreatable depression and ADHD. Think: new options for treatment failure at any level of mind alteration.

If you're interested in learning more about his groundbreaking work consider attending his Walsh Research Institute meeting in Chicago Oct. 18-22, next month.

Back to WD3 refractory depression: These brief videos, and then a discussion of Excess Copper: 3, 4


High Copper & Depression – Overview 1:31 Min


High Copper Zinc Ratio: ADHD & Autism – 1:05 Min


Symptoms and Traits of Excess Copper

I've reported copper challenges here at CorePsych in previous posts [1. adrenal/copper, 2. brain/copper] and linked to Dr Gittleman's interesting book Why Am I Always So Tired? These replicable medical findings clearly encourage more complete assessments – Summarized from Nutrient Power 3 Walsh's most recent book. In Nutrient Power Dr Walsh details of how to both measure and treat this specific, easily identified form of depression.

Copper Excess: Clinical Characteristics

In healthy persons, copper levels in blood and brain are homeostatically controlled through the actions of metallothionein and ceruloplasmin proteins.  This is essential for mental functioning since abnormal Cu [copper] levels can alter the amounts of dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters in the brain.6, 8

Characteristics of Copper Excess – Incidence: 17% of clinical depression [n – 2800]:

  1. severe anxiety,
  2. sleep disorder,
  3. hormone imbalances,
  4. ADHD – hyperactivity in childhood,
  5. skin sensitivity to metals and rough fabrics,
  6. ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and
  7. intolerance to estrogen, shellfish, and chocolate.6

Do you see anything familiar in treatment refractory individuals you know or treat? Did the words hormone imbalances and high anxiety catch your attention? Do you think that sleep disorder, underachievement in school and Executive Function challenges in childhood sound familiar as a symptom complex associated with depression?

Copper Excess Response Time 5

There are many reports of mild worsening during the first 10 days, followed by clear improvement during weeks three and four and full effectiveness after three to four months (except in the case of type A blood, which may require 6-12 months for full effectiveness).



  1. Zinc deficiency – plasma zinc
  2. Copper/zinc ratio elevation – including trace elements/hair
  3. Serum copper elevation
  4. Low ceruloplasmin
  5. Urinary neurotransmitters
  6. Calculate the % Free Copper


To Measure % Free Copper From Dr Merrill Ken Galera


Four More Depression Biotypes

Soon: the additional four Walsh depression biotypes, 3 and incidence in his research.

  1. Undermethylated – decreased serotonin and dopamine – 38%
  2. Overmethylated – elevated serotonin and dopamine – 20%
  3. Pyrrole Disorder – reduced serotonin, GABA – 15%
  4. Toxic Overload – lead, mercury, cadmium or arsenic – 5%


Download Overview Of Walsh CorePsych Testing:


Walsh Resources and References

Epigenetics explained in several videos: 1. Public, 2. Professionals, 3. Walsh Lecture on Methylation and Epigenetics


PS: Don't Forget This TotallyADD Recording

Register for, and make sure you go back to watch, our Rick Green/Parker Webinars as we discuss Why [Dig Deeper], How [Brain Function] and, in the third TotallyADD Webinar [Agenda], What [To Explore] series. Topics: psychiatric diagnosis and treatment for ADHD/Executive Function. Mind science is slowly but inexorably changing.  Watch the first two meetings to prepare for our anticipated discussion about Dr Walsh's laboratory measurements and nutrient interventions in the third webinar. Details matter.

NB: The first Why Webinar is now recorded and ready for review. Prepare for How coming on Oct. 19, available here: – link to all the webinars.

And this link for that specific first Why Webinar:


Do subscribe below for future CorePsych updates, and please forward these important new data-tools to your colleagues.

Dr Charles Parker
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Complimentary & New: 23 pg Special Report: Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications
Book: New ADHD Med Rules:


1 Walsh, Dr. William J. (2014-05-06). Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain (Kindle Location 1544). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
2 Walsh, WJ, Nutrient Power – Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain, Skyhorse Publishing 2012. Paperback link.
3 Ibid., p 81.
4 Ibid, p 73.
5 Ibid., p 150.
6 Walsh, Dr. William J. (2014-05-06). Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain (Kindle Locations 1547-1549). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
7 Crayton JW, Walsh WJ. ( 2007). Elevated serum copper levels in women with a history of post-partum depression. J Trace Elements Med Biol. 21: 17-21.
8 Linder MC. (1991). Biochemistry of Copper. Plenum Press: New York.




  1. Rosamine2015 says:

    Is there a recommended diet to regain balance and avoid high levels of copper or one which actually lowers the level of copper in my body? I have a lot of underlying fatigue and melancholia.

  2. […] Copper Overload – elevated norepinephrine – 17% […]

  3. […] Copper Overload – elevated norepinephrine – 17% […]

  4. […] – This is the fourth in a series [WD1: Undermethylation here, | WD2: Overmethylation here | WD3: Copper Excess here] of 5 posts on Dr Bill Walsh’s 5 biotypes of depression as described in his book Nutrient […]

  5. […] #5 – This is the last in a series [WD1: Undermethylation here, | WD2: Overmethylation here | WD3: Copper Excess here | WD4: Pyrrole Disorder here] of 5 posts on Dr Bill Walsh’s 5 biotypes of depression as […]

  6. […] [See the illustration just below.] Free copper levels, measured by using serum copper and ceruloplasmin calculations, will become important in treatment only if measured and identified. Calculations are in […]