Non Med Options for Brain Treatment: Neurofeedback 1

Iodine Deficiency 4: ADD: Why Test before pregnancy for Iodine?
May 17, 2007
Non Med Options for Brain Treatment: Neurofeedback 2
May 29, 2007

Neurofeedback Does Work For ADHD  

ADHD Seen On SPECT Imaging During Concentration

ADHD Seen During Concentration

Neurofeedback [NFB] is often overlooked as a useful brain intervention strategy: Just as with SPECT imaging, many just haven't reviewed the NFB literature, or seen NFB in office action.

From ADHD to brain injury, to anxiety and tic disorder, to seizures and bipolar: Neurofeedback provides additional treatment alternatives. Sometimes, as in any treatment, results can be mixed. But as with any other psych intervention, much depends on simultaneously addressing multiple brain variables. More on that later, it's already a familiar CorePsych theme.

Basic point: Neurofeedback is different than biofeedback, and the two are often mixed up in conversation, so it is important to clarify from the outset. “Bio” works with relaxing the body, “neuro” works using evidence from [neuronal} brain waves, and brain activities.

SPECT Works Diagnostically 

Since starting the Amen Clinic in DC in 2003 [Amen Clinic DC ] I worked with a variety of challenging people in the context of first seeing their brain function using SPECT scans, and often make neurofeedback referrals to providers around the country. The benefit for our neurofeedback colleagues: they have specific areas of the brain function already identified with the SPECT process to clarify their brain objectives. The benefit for clients: specific treatment for specific brain dysregulation.

At an interesting meeting in Georgetown more than a year ago my good friend Dr Deb Stokes introduced me to a remarkable pioneer in the development of Neurofeedback: Siegfried Othmer PhD. In the linked video he will tell you a great deal about the how and why of NFB.

Also take a look the rest of his interesting Neurofeedback site for more comprehensive information and references to get started with understanding the applications of the Neurofeedback process.

With evolving neuroscience we move from the concept that the brain can't heal, to the fact that we can provide direct non-medical interventions to help the brain perform more effectively.


1 Comment

  1. […] Neurofeedback clearly has helped many in our offices, […]