Milk Allergies Matter: Foreign Proteins In Food

Psych Meds: Time, Titration and Tachyphylaxis
June 27, 2011
Antidepressants Do Work – Gossip Doesn’t
July 16, 2011

Robyn O'Brien At TED: My Office Findings Match This Report

A cow milking machine

Image via Wikipedia

This 18.27 min TED video report will tell you what I have regularly been telling so many patients about food allergies for years, especially milk. Their office lab testing/data tells the tale. If you're rushing to learn more go directly to the milk allergies details at 4:43 min in this video.

For the last several years since looking at IgG findings as a means of correcting refractory psych conditions – those people who fail ordinary psych treatments – I see so many of these reactions, driven by milk allergies in my office, everyday.

Milk Less Often Than Wheat

The offender, dear readers, is not so often gluten, as is so alive in the press, but is far more often milk and milk products. The percentage with: milk allergies over 90%, allergies to gluten: 70%, allergies to eggs: 50%.

Milk, wheat and egg allergies all at once, together: I facetiously call them the New Jersey Trifecta. I've personally measured hundreds, and corrected milk allergies that resulted directly in psychosis.

Find it, fix it, leave it alone. Yes, an appropriate change in diet, removing the offending antigen, can turn them dramatically around.

CorePsych Testing Answers Hard Questions

I won't take a lot of time telling you why you should listen to Robyn, except to say this is a very important message for you, your family, and every American family. People don't consult with CorePsych from Taiwan, South Africa, Singapore, or Washington DC for fun – they are lost and misunderstood because they aren't getting well with the very best care. Of the allergies we measure and correct with testing, this message rings true. Take a few minutest to listen up:


Robyn On Milk Allergies At TED in Austin – Go To: 4:43 min



Think about the important implications for any psychiatric treatment failure, and please send this along to your friends or colleagues wondering about the limitations of good psychiatric interventions.

Dr Charles Parker
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  1. OCD,
    The answer to your question lies in the macro vision needed by the FDA for proper assessment of large numbers of people: it’s about commoditization – and ultimately homogenization of care, not individual nuances. In large studies they simply can’t control for those complex variables and have to, as they say in research, leave them in the file drawer. Our drugs are homogenized for the big numbers, the problem with homogenization is that people can die from whimsical meds.

  2. OCD trials says:

    Wow.  Impressive video.  I do have OCD and all, with one of the main obsessions being to understand everything about a particular subject or requiring proof.  So this is partly me giving into that, but there is a valid point in all of this…I’ve always based every decision in terms of my care on what research has shown to be effective.
    About a year ago, I started looking into sourcing for my produce and meat/fish.  After some initial looking into the organics movement, I decided to not support it.  It’s expensive, smaller farms can’t afford it, and there are different criteria as to what is considered organic as well as different organizations accrediting what is and is not organic.  Further looking, as she also pointed out I think, led me to discover that almost all of the organic labels are owned by the same major food companies providing everything else.  So it’s just a big marketing ploy.
    With that, I began buying produce only at Farmer’s markets from local farms.  But I wonder if that’s sufficient now that I watch this video?  I usually talk to the farmers, so I know how they farm and I have a few that I go to more regularly, but there are some things they can’t control…I mean if a seed has been modified and patented and whatever else, there’s nothing they can do.  I also buy meat and fish from farmers who raise and process it themselves.  
    But I do still buy cereal, oats, whole wheat flour, dairy products, frozen veggies and fruits for a pinch, beans etc…from grocery stores.  So……what do we do?  I have no known food allergies (IgE; despite all that I’ve read on your site and various studies regarding IgG, I’m still very skeptical).  She was clearly speaking about IgE allergies which is a whole other story, which is why I’m in support.  But I would like to be able to see her resources for the info she gave. (will check out her website).  From what I’m gathering of her words, dairy products from cows not treated with the growth hormone, would not have the same potential problems?  Is that correct?

    Besides supporting local businesses, what else do we do to take care of ourselves and to send the message to the FDA and corporate America, that this is not acceptable? That marketing is really not what we want.  lol.  Like I said, I’m skeptical of everything; I don’t trust anything that hasn’t been based in research and I don’t buy into the popularity of the moment or any conspiracy type theory.  But there is something here….1996 was a big year apparently.  I wonder if the susceptibility to these alterations changes as you get older.  Obviously anyone born within a few years of 96 or after would be because children are the most susceptible.  But what about the rest of us?

    What I want to really know is this.  The FDA, which is “food and drug” administration has huge regulations and standards for what will be allowed in terms of medications to treat various conditions…there are trials that have to be conducted etc. etc.  (still not accurate enough moderation of generics though) But with food, they take the opposite approach?  How does that make any sense and why is that even remotely acceptable to anybody?As a dr, aren’t you obligated to do something about this?  Aside from just recommending IgG and neurotransmitter testing for any patient that walks through your door?  Because that doesn’t really work towards much of a solution.

  3. Hollowayse says:

    Thank Dr. Parker for once again looking beyond what is in front of you to something greater.  I don’t know how to change the world, but I’m hoping I can help my adult children make more informed decisions.  Best always, Sherry Holloway