
April 21, 2010

Recovery Becomes Deeper: Addiction Biology Evolves

“Repeating the same thing, expecting different results” now brings new meaning - as rusty, ineffective activities, no matter what their origin, can begin to feel like repetitive insanity.
February 1, 2010

Intuniv for ADHD: Metabolic Challenges

This post is the fifth, with four others, documenting Intuniv Overview, Dosing Details, Drug Interactions and Addiction Indications. Please review all of these posts for more informed use of Intuniv
November 14, 2007

Vyvanse Dosage for ADHD: The Water Titration Recipe

Vyvanse Dosage Strategy Improved: Some have asked offline about clarification of the water titration strategy with Vyvanse, and this post is a brief clarification on that process.
November 23, 2006

Psych Meds Beyond ADD: The 3 Rs

ADHD diagnosis actually is a real problem with real answers, not simply a media finger wag. ADHD diagnosis is but one of the topics of current […]