psychiatric diagnosis

April 17, 2010

Psychiatric Diagnostic Labels: Functional or Static?

DSM-5 is an excellent example of the prevalent, indeed ubiquitous, developmental arrest in regards to retooling our superficial labeling process without evolving the underlying, evidenced-based molecular and cellular diagnostic processes that reference brain and body functional neurophysiology.
February 13, 2010

Psychiatric Diagnosis and DSM 5: Maps to Nowhere

If you are lost, forget being found with this bible. Don't be worried, you won't have to change anything you are doing... it's the same old 19th Century stuff, trimmed up to tweak the descriptive language, with no improvements there for patient care, and no new science. Boring.
May 12, 2008

Aphthous Ulcers/Canker Sores, Gluten Sensitivity and Unmanageable Behavior

Report from the Front: The Gluten-Celiac Question Just in the office last week: An "acting out" child, smart, second grade, unable to respond to medications with two previous docs repeatedly adjusting meds to no avail. She had canker sores.
February 18, 2008

Psychiatric Diagnosis: Brain Function Changes our Perspectives

When I began training in psychiatry, almost 40 years ago, much of the diagnostic psychiatric world evolved from affect thinking: depression and anxiety, euphoria, and misperceptions of reality. That world is rapidly changing.