Immune system

September 28, 2007

Brain Awareness: Milk Addiction – Withdrawal is Real

The name of the two peptides with links here for further review [noting that authorities don't yet completely agree on this phenomenon] are casomorphin [a milk peptide] and gliadorphin or gluteomorphine [two names for the opioid peptide arising from partially broken down gliadin portion of the gluten protein in wheat.
March 3, 2007

Hormones: SSRIs and Suicide

Connections Between Hormone Dysregulation, Suicide and “Incurable Depression:” Yesterday spent nine hours with Eldred Taylor, MD [Brd Cert OB-GYN] as he connected and reconnected depression, the […]
February 11, 2007

Systems Medicine: Where we are going

Understanding “Systems Medicine:” Is it functional, alternative, integrative, or systems medicine? Pop over to listen to my good friend Mark Hyman talk about these issues on […]