casein sensitivity

July 13, 2011

Milk Allergies Matter: Foreign Proteins In Food

For the last several years since looking at IgG findings as a means of correcting refractory psych conditions - those people who fail ordinary psych treatments - I see so many of these reactions to milk in my office everyday.
April 25, 2011

Psychiatric Drugs: New Science, Better Outcomes

We used to think the only way to address complicated mental health conditions was to just keep trying different medication based on superficial diagnostic speculations. The world, my friends, is changing dramatically - just a bit to fast for some.
December 18, 2007

A Gluten Sensitivity Journal: Useful Notes with Practical Suggestions

So many in our offices have more questions about Gluten Free Resources. Try this great magazine, Living Without, to stay informed and continue your personal healing path.
September 28, 2007

Brain Awareness: Milk Addiction – Withdrawal is Real

The name of the two peptides with links here for further review [noting that authorities don't yet completely agree on this phenomenon] are casomorphin [a milk peptide] and gliadorphin or gluteomorphine [two names for the opioid peptide arising from partially broken down gliadin portion of the gluten protein in wheat.