
July 20, 2008

Understanding ADD/ADHD Medications: Pay Attention to the Details

ADD/ADHD medications at first seems simple - if you have ADD, "Here's the script." Yes, I am suggesting we modify our scripting process. The truth is that ADD/ADHD medications do require specific, precise thinking with clear guidelines - or the entire process of medication management can become dangerous, frustrating, or disappointingly ineffective - with disastrous long term consequences. Problems arise much too often. And they are correctable!
July 6, 2008

Brain Talk and Web 2.0 – Tips on Connecting, And An Over-the-top Immunity Update

The Interesting Immunity Update Story - just imagine this clinical presentation: Nine year old girl comes in out of control... treated for years, was wild at 4 yo, has been taking meds for about 5 years, is diagnosed as Bipolar,
July 24, 2007

Gluten Sensitivity & Brain Problems: More References

ust had a very interesting missive from a reader following up on my SPECT reference in the last post on celiac, gluten sensitivity and schizophrenia. He suggested two helpful sites for further information and conversation on these matters.
March 5, 2007

Deep Recovery: Beyond Labels

Recovery is a workable and understandable process, a grid to leave behind drugs, alcohol, and dependent relationships. Yes, I may carry on about managed care, the […]