ADD/ADHD diagnosis and treatment

February 22, 2009

CorePsych Radio Update

CorePsych Radio: How to Connect Each Week: As a side activity I have been also putting together a 1 hr live radio program, and the details are on this page: CorePsych Radio.
November 27, 2008

Grumpy Outed: ADD and Depression For A Lifetime

Holiday Case Report - Grumpy was one of the Seven Dwarfs in the classic Disney film Snow White. Grumpy is often a subset of cognitive depression overlooked as related to ADHD.
June 22, 2008

ADD/ADHD Parker Updates

Just a quick update on the Blog Silence over here with Parker - been working on ADD/ADHD projects: I've been working, but not as hard as I did for the 3 summers I shoveled concrete on the roads in Missouri. Yes, those days were interesting in that I worked hard and got a big promotion after two years, from the shovel to the chute. - Big responsibility move!
March 26, 2007

ADD/ADHD Non-Med Treatment: Neurofeedback

ADD/ADHD: So what do you do if you don't want to use meds? Yes, the meds work fast, and often well, if you work them correctly. […]