Brain Talk and Web 2.0 – Tips on Connecting, And An Over-the-top Immunity Update

ADD/ADHD Medications: Just The Top of the Window
June 25, 2008
Understanding ADD/ADHD Medications: Pay Attention to the Details
July 20, 2008

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The Interesting Immunity Update Story:
Now just imagine this clinical presentation: Nine year old girl comes in out of control… treated for years, was wild at 4 yo, has been taking meds for about 5 years, is diagnosed as Bipolar, and almost jumped out of her car in a fight with her mother. At 9 she was acting like she was still 4. She is the girl described here in this earlier post: She was… read this carefully, OUT OF CONTROL! – Suicidal, impulsive, treated for ADD/ADHD without good result.

First seen in May, we have now seen her 4 times, – the third time we reviewed her ELISA testing results – and, let me tell you, dear readers, I was wrong!

Immune dysfunction:
Right on… but wrong on my wheat and milk guesses, – she was seriously allergic to corn and several other items.

All offending agents were discontinued, with *corn* being the main culprit – and presto, chango, she is there in the chair, acting like she is 13, not 9… demure, calm, deferential, courteous. Mother said it was a miracle, and after 5 years of psych visits we are on a significantly different path.

I can tell you, her dramatic recovery made my day… and thanks to Dr Jaffe for all of those pearls that helped me ask the right questions… Aphthous and Canker sores led the  way, Dr Jaffe's testing turned the tide.

1 Comment

  1. Anne says:

    You might have been wrong about wheat and milk, but you were right on suspecting food. Too bad that every patient is not tested for food intolerances as soon as they walk into the doctors office.