ADHD Insights: The Therapeutic Window

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ADHD Medications And Supplements: Finding The Therapeutic Window

English: Window in Porvoo.

English: Window in Porvoo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Multiple problems arise if one doesn't seek, recognize, or consider The Therapeutic Window. Every medication and supplement should have a Sweet Spot wherein on the one hand it works well, and on the other there are no side effects. Review these tips for more successful ADHD target recognition.

10 Window Tips That Work

  1. Each medication or supplement: Every intervention carries it's own Therapeutic Window requirements.
  2. Don't Mix Expectations: Serotonin products don't treat dopamine issues and vice versa. This point is basic – yet surprisingly neglected. We don't treat heart disease with insulin, serotonin challenges can't be treated by dopaminergic products. Customize treatment objectives in detail clinically. Don't expect the impossible.
  3. Unpredictable Outcomes: ADHD Meds or supplements almost always remain unpredictable if underlying metabolic/body variables remain overlooked.
  4. Window Structure – Dosage: Too Much, out the top, Too Little, not working, out the bottom, Too Short or Too Long on the duration/sides, all of these are essential ADHD Medication Dosage challenges. If you keep chasing that window, metabolism is the culprit, creating problems with the dosages through biomedical challenges. This is basic!
  5. Roving Therapeutic Window: Don't chase your tail with up and down doses, or multiple different med trials over the years when you see that your Window moves around unpredictably. Using a maybe, Roving, process to find that Sweet Spot, devolves to little more than office experimentation, and creates repeated dosage changes to meet those varying conditions. Remember: that Roving Therapeutic Window [correlates well with] = Metabolic Challenges that require measurement and specific correction – then you can stop chasing your tail.
  6. Narrow Therapeutic Window: ADHD Medications, carefully adjusted by a concerned and observant medical professional, simply can't find the sweet spot, the dosage that works for that medicine. Characteristically: informed, small doses at the start don't dial in to sufficiently cover the Window details, then even very small dosage adjustments upward take the dosage total into the land of side effects, out the Top of the Window, or extend the Sides past bedtime. The Window is Narrow because there are abiding neurotransmitter and metabolic imbalances that require assessment – more than 80% of the time [setting aside other variables e.g. genetics].
  7. Neurotransmitter Imbalances Can't Correct With Meds: if no neurotransmitter chickens live in the synaptic ranch. Remember: psych meds and supplements both require specific neurotransmitters and healthy glial cell activity to work effectively.
  8. Trace Elements and Heavy Metals Matter: neurotransmitter birthing/regeneration requires attention to a different set of multiple variables: e.g., to name but a few – specific amino acid precursors, effective enzyme systems, effective digestion, sufficient intake/nutrition, and trace element balance for effective enzyme activities. Heavy metals, toxins, also create obvious impediments, – but only obvious if measured.
  9. Window Challenges always require further investigation, genetics, neurotransmitters, hormones, trace elements – otherwise the ADHD client remains almost untreatable – even more depressed and shamed than when they started.
  10. Additional Treatment Interventions: In many confusing [and many standard] presentations we frequently suggest neurofeedback, EMDR, yoga, meditation, all of which support improved prefrontal cortical function. Meds and supplements aren't, of course, the only answers.

These 10 Tips are the CliffsNotes. More details available from New ADHD Medication Rules with early preorder discount prices at these national bookstores.

Press on – together we an overcome significant counterproductive complacency,

Dr Charles Parker
Author: New ADHD Medication Rules – Brain Science & Common Sense
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Complimentary & New: 23 Special Report: Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications

PS: I'll be away from the computer for a few days, so replies to comments will be delayed. Family in town from California!


  1. […] ADHD Medications Tutorial- “Without Precise Targets And A Precise Dosage Process Medications Just Don’t Work Predictably” – 8 short videos by Dr. Charles Parker – about ½ hour in total – Matching Article: Finding the Therapeutic Window […]

  2. […] Just exactly when to medications start to work? Meds might not even touch the bottom of The Therapeutic Window. […]