ADHD Mediation Rules On Radio

Tic Disorder: 5 Essential Questions – 1
November 7, 2011
ADHD Medication Rules: How To Audio
November 10, 2011

Attention Talk Radio

This Wednesday [Nov 9, 2011] is the second of two radio programs at Attention Talk Radio Hosted by Jeff Copper – at 8 PM EST – and if you go over there to connect you can set up a reminder for your cell or email. 😉

Nicolaus Copernicus Didn't know ADHD was so misunderstood.

My Key Speaking Points: Diagnosis, Metabolism, and Time

1.    We’re pervasively treating labels, inadequate labels at that – not the complexity of the person with ADHD symptoms

2.    The current diagnostic criteria for ADHD are in a word: Antique – we are living in an age of traditional labeling, non-awareness of brain science advances, and, as with Copernicus and Galileo, the findings from brain science are often codified in the Index of Forbidden Books by the current ruling Academic Belief system. Church Dogma sets the staging appearances for multiple levels of ADHD Confusion.

3.    Upon actually seeing brain function through SPECT imaging the issue then becomes how is  specific brain evidence translated into easy questions for everyday use = Brain Function Questions for the office.

4.    Once ADHD Pre Frontal Cortical Problems are identified, the next most common problem is the pervasive fact that almost no one considers either of the following:

  1. The meds themselves: what is expected [in terms of their performance in hours of duration – DOE] and how they are metabolized – e.g. IR Adderall = 5-6 H DOE.
  2. The body that the meds must pass through to get to the brain. Last time I checked, the brain was connected to the body.

5.    The Therapeutic Window is not considered. Then, when considering the Window. many fail to pay attention to the variations in presentation over Time:

  1. The How of the Therapeutic Window – the sides, the top, and the bottom
  2. The Problem of the Narrow Therapeutic Window – too much and too little -> mean “impossible”
  3. The Problem of the Roving Therapeutic Window – a moving target over time is predictable and correctable with targeted questions and improved laboratory data

FYI Sidebar: Copernicus Notes

Copernicus' work was eventually published in 1543. It is said that he received the first copy on 24th May the day he died.

His work was put in the Index of Forbidden Books in 1611 and not taken out until around 1835. The Index was a list of books put out by the Roman Catholic Church that they considered immoral, impious or dangerous. It is hard to believe but the last edition of the list was published as recently as 1948. Luckily for Roman Catholics it was decreed in 1966 [!] that no more new lists would be published and that it was OK to read from existing lists without fear of excommunication.

Interesting times, tune in and see what you think! This is the link to the recorded program – about 45 min of significant ADHD med details.


1 Comment

  1. […] the sun rotates around the Earth, right? It does look that way doesn’t it? But if you ask Copernicus or Galileo, who bear the burden of new information, hooked up with math and then new technology – our solar […]