ADHD Insights: IgE Brain And Body Immunity

ADHD Insights: Transitions and Change
September 5, 2012
ADHD Insights: The Therapeutic Window
September 7, 2012

Immunity Matters: IgE Reactions Can Encourage ADHD Symptomsmilk allergies create ADHD problems

Who cares about food immunity and ADHD? In fact, everyone should care, because food sensitivities, once understood, can spell treatment success or complete, ongoing ADHD treatment failure. They range from subtle to more obvious, and obvious does get more attention. But subtle can also create negative reactions to medications for decades. Consider this:

Food sensitivity is near the top of the list of considerations a clinician should bear in mind when trying to sort out the problems of a child with attention deficit.
                                         Sidney Baker, MD, Author, Detoxification & Healing

Food Sensitivity vs Allergy

Notice that Dr Baker used the phrase “food sensitivity,” also addressed here [in both IgE and IgG forms] by Dr Anthony Kane, Internist, and here by Dr Doris Rapp, Pediatric Allergist. My advice: stay out of the medical disputes, consider food sensitivity, and don't stumble over the debates about “allergy” because one can miss the clinical boat. Food sensitivities are more subtle, more chronic, less obvious, surprisingly controversial, and enormously important clinically.

In our offices controversy becomes insignificant. When we find/measure the effect of the offending food antigen, the invading food allergen and take that specific food out of the mix, the entire neurotransmitter scene improves and patients improve more predictably – with or without psych meds – measurably.

Street Applications and Definitions: The IgE, IgG Debate

Immunoglobulins, those Ig antibodies, neutralize foreign objects that enter the self from the outside world, the non-self.

Immunoglobulin E = IgE The easy way to remember: E = The Emergency Antibody. This antibody reaction, this immunoglobulin activity, is often measured by allergists and arises 24-48 hrs after the offending food has entered the body. You can suddenly feel sick and have vomiting or diarrhea. IgE is the one most tested by allergists and receives a full measure of respect in the medical community as a legitimate threat to life – dangerous – like some children with peanut allergies, therefore worthy of medical attention. – No dispute there. IgE reactions often create Emergencies.

But in our offices we seek deeper explanations for why medical interventions don't work over time, chronically. These aren't emergency problems with the result that clients themselves deny their significance. People train themselves to deal with chronic problems and deny the profound significance – like one woman I've described elsewhere: she delivered a monolithic BM every 2-3 weeks, and had for years, until we tested and corrected her IgG, her ghost allergy.

Coming Next Week: IgG – The Ghost Antibody

Stay tuned here when we next review the IgG and IgG4 [G = The Ghost Antibody] controversy, where the food sensitivity issues live in most offices. Even if you know about IgG then another debate exists over there about measurement techniques that separate the Ghosts: IgG from IgG4. It's deep, I'll only outline the discussion, but the main point remains valid: thousands of folks are missed every day because IgG testing is considered inconsequential.

Stay tuned,


PS: I'll be away from the computer for a few days, so replies to comments will be delayed. Family in town from California!


  1. […] dermatologists, cardiologists, neurologists, psychiatrists and family practice, even some immunologists taken with IgE, often only see the symptoms, the tip of the iceberg – only 11% of the problem – […]

  2. […] and the Non-Self [outside world] often confound excellent medical treatment. Those three barriers: The Gut, The Respiratory Tract and the Skin. Immunity issues, measurable through IgE and IgG testing often […]

  3. […] – patients who have tried almost every psych med out there, and experienced repeated Treatment Failures – over years, even decades! The problem: we simply aren’t measuring Biologic Reality! […]